DIY & Crafts

Inspiration Friday

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Inspiration Friday

Hi there, I'm so glad it's Friday! I'm looking forward to pizza for dinner tonight, and trips to Value Village, Mac Fabrics and Romni Wools tomorrow. What about you? [caption id="attachment_689" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Hopefully I'll get some knitting in, too...."] Hopefully I'll get some knitting in, too....[/caption] In case you need some ideas, here are a few links to take you into the weekend. There's still time to submit your favourite-handmade-gift stories and easy-Christmas-DIY tips. And tune in on Monday for a fabulous lineup of posts, including another great giveaway and an interview with one of my favourite Canadian craft bloggers. Have a good weekend!


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DIY & Crafts

Inspiration Friday
