DIY & Crafts

Inspiration: Topsy-turvy dolls

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Inspiration: Topsy-turvy dolls

Good morning, friends. Do you remember topsy-turvy dolls? They were the dolls that had two faces: the one you were playing with showed, the other was covered by a long skirt. If you wanted to switch, you flipped the skirt up over the doll's head, turned it over and voilà, you had a different doll to play with! The dolls I remember seemed to split into three categories: awake/sleeping, everyday/party dress, and Red Riding Hood/The Wolf. I'm thinking about these because Make+Do reader Laura sent in a request for some help finding a topsy-turvy doll pattern for her to make with her young granddaughter, so this morning I spent a little while poking around the internet to see what I could find. Unfortunately, I didn't find any free sewing patterns, though I did find blog posts about topsy-turvy dolls people had made for themselves. There's a very tall topsy-turvy doll at TreeFall Design and a slightly smaller one at Wee Wonderfuls. Also check out this post from SouleMama about a flip doll she made, using a kit from Umbrella Prints. There did seem to be a wide variety of topsy-turvy doll patterns for sale. (Keep in mind I'm not endorsing these sites, they're just ones I found with a Google search. Buyer beware, etc.) There was a Red Riding Hood/Wolf doll pattern available here for about $10; or find 21 different doll patterns, some vintage, each about $5, here. If you'd like to crochet a tiny Red Riding Hood/Grandma doll, make sure you go here. And if you're looking for a no-sew option, these spool dolls look neat. It might also be worth searching Etsy and Ebay, or even taking a trip to the fabric store. You never know what you'll find in those pattern catalogues! Come to think of it, why not go to your local library and see what they've got in their craft book section. You never know... Oh, and here's a history of topsy-turvy dolls in the US. Laura, I hope this helps. If anybody's got more information they could share, we'd appreciate it if you left a link in the comments!


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DIY & Crafts

Inspiration: Topsy-turvy dolls
