DIY & Crafts

Noticed: Argyle notecards

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Noticed: Argyle notecards

[caption id="attachment_386" align="aligncenter" width="257" caption="Photo from Design*Sponge"] Photo from Design*Sponge[/caption] Hi friends, I've been thinking a lot about letter-writing recently, so perhaps it's natural that these argyle notecards from Design*Sponge caught my eye. I think they're cute as is, made with recycled magazine pages and a metallic marker, and easy enough for kids to do. Then again, I think they'd be even cuter with scraps of fabric and a bit of machine-stitching! You could even whip up a whole bunch and package them as sets (maybe with a brand-new pen?) for a cute, relatively inexpensive gift. Hm, that might be something for my weekend to-do list...


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DIY & Crafts

Noticed: Argyle notecards
