DIY & Crafts

Tell me what symbolizes Canada to you (and you could win)

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Tell me what symbolizes Canada to you (and you could win)

Hi friends, One of the things that I love about this blog is knowing that you're out there, full of ideas and enthusiasm and willing to share! Today I'm looking for a little bit of inspiration and I'm hoping you might be able to help me out. I'm working on a new project (one I hope I'll eventually get to share with you) and I'm wondering: what do you think of when you think of Canada? Or, what symbolizes Canada to you? Is it...maple leaves? picture-26 sticks? [caption id="attachment_1174" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Photo from"] Photo from[/caption] ...wildlife? [caption id="attachment_1175" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Image from"] Image from[/caption] ...wide open spaces? [caption id="attachment_1176" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Photo from"] Photo from[/caption] ...wide ocean spaces? picture-7 ...or maybe it's a quality, such as friendliness...or perhaps the ability to withstand cold weather? picture-33 I've got three $10 gift cards for Tim Hortons (of course!) to give away. For your chance to win, leave a comment on this post telling me what you think of when you think about Canada (or your favourite province) – the more specific, the better. The deadline is 11:59 a.m., Friday, January 15th; on Friday afternoon, I'll choose three winners. Not a bad way to end the week, right?


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DIY & Crafts

Tell me what symbolizes Canada to you (and you could win)
