DIY & Crafts

Valentine's cards for your best friends

Valentine's cards for your best friends

Author: Canadian Living

DIY & Crafts

Valentine's cards for your best friends

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Sweet butterflies card

Cut two hearts out of craft foam or heavy paper and decorate. Tape the hearts together, point-to-point, overlapping them a little. Use a twist-tie or a piece of pipe cleaner to make antennae to tape to a roll of LifeSavers, then tape the LifeSavers between the two hearts. Take a look at the a photo of the final projects.

Charmed card
Glue a heart doily to the front of a blank card. Spread some glue around the edge of the doily and sprinkle with glitter for a sparkly border. Punch two holes through the doily and string a Leather Charm Necklace through the holes. Tie the ends inside the card and tape in place.

Heart prints card
Press your index finger on an ink pad and then onto a card, on a slight diagonal to form one half heart. Make another print the opposite diagonal, with the bottoms of the print overlapping to finish the heart.

Bottle-cap card
Cut two paper stripes of contrasting colour to glue onto the front of a card. Glue craft foam hearts inside empty bottle caps. Glue alphabet letters onto the hearts to spell out a message. When dry, glue the bottle caps onto the stripes.


Excerpted from Best Friends Forever! by Laura Torres. Copyright 2004 by Laura Torres. Excerpted, with permission by Workman Publishing Co. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.

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Valentine's cards for your best friends
