DIY & Crafts

Winner and Weekly Giveaway #16

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Winner and Weekly Giveaway #16

Hi friends, Did you have a good weekend? I sure hope so. Sorry for the delay in posting the winner. Our tech guys were doing some surprise maintenance work, which meant no blogging yesterday. But I'm back with a winner in hand and a great prize for this week's giveaway, so let's get down to business! The winner of Weekly Giveaway #15, the copy of Beautiful Handstitched Jewelry: 35 unique projects inspired by Tokyo style by Emi Iwakiri, is... picture-22 Commenter #25, come on down! picture-31Congratulations, Carla. You'll be receiving an email from me shortly. And thank you to each and every one of you who left a comment with a suggestion of material to cover here at Make+Do. (I'm starting to wish that blogging was my full-time job, so that I could devote even more time and resources to satisfying your crafty curiosity!) With luck and hard work, I think we'll get to it all in the fullness of time. And so, on to Weekly Giveaway #16. picture-13 This week I've got a combo pack: the lucky winner will receive a copy of Knitting Classic Style by Véronik Avery and five assorted balls of Patons Silk Bamboo. The book is beautiful (I'll admit it: I almost took it home with me) and the yarn is lustrous and oh-so-soft. This is a perfect pairing if you're looking for an inspiration boost and to build your stash of great books and great yarn. To enter for your chance to win, please leave one comment on this post by Friday, August 21, at 5 p.m. Tell me, what sort of crafts do  you have planned for fall? (I'm guessing that Christmas crafting is going to play a role; what about back-to-school crafting?) Unforeseen Internet issues aside, I'll be here with a winner on Monday, August 24. Have a great week!


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DIY & Crafts

Winner and Weekly Giveaway #16
