4 durable indoor plants for your home

Photography: Kindra Clineff
4 durable indoor plants for your home
Taking care of indoor plants can be hard but we've got you covered with these four durable indoor options for your home.
Also called: Malaysian grapes
Size: Ranging from 24 to 36 inches (60 to 91 cm) high or larger
Foliage: Broad deep green leaves with pleats
Other attributes: Wonderful grapelike clusters of pink flowers throughout autumn and winter, followed by purple nonedible berries
Exposure: South is best; east or west also works
Water requirements: Very thirsty
Rate of growth: Slow
Soil type: Rich, humusy potting soil with compost included
Fertilizing: Early spring to late autumn
Issues: Drinking habit can be a deal-breaker if you're not home
Companions: This is a stand-alone specimen, but begonias, nerve plants, orchids and prayer plants might grow in tandem
Nerve Plant (Fittonia)
Also called: Mosaic plant, rattlesnake plant, silver net plant
Size: Creeps along the soil surface
Foliage: Bronze with white or red veins
Other attributes: Makes a good ground cover below other plants; terrarium-worthy
Exposure: East, west or south; might endure north
Water requirements: Keep soil moderately moist
Rate of growth: Medium
Soil type: Rich, humusy, peaty potting soil with compost included
Fertilizing: Early spring to late autumn
Propagation: Easily rooted by cuttings; runners will have roots and can be detached
Issues: Will wilt, but revives readily; if you forget to water often, it might get aphids
Companions: Great for underplanting beneath a low-light-loving treelike plant such as ficus, Norfolk Island pines, ponytail palms, prayer plants, scheffleras and tradescantia; good with begonias in a separate container
Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)
Size: Ranging from 15 to 20 inches (38 to 50 cm) high
Foliage: Dark green initiating from the base
Other attributes: Profuse white jack-in-the-pulpit-like flowers
Exposure: East or west
Water requirements: Can wilt if you forget to water
Rate of growth: Medium
Soil type: Humusy potting soil with compost included
Fertilizing: Early spring to late autumn
Issues: Can be prone to leaf diseases if stressed by continual wilting
Companions: Aglaonemas, begonias, crotons, dracaenas, ferns, ficus, ivies, mosses, polka dot plants, nerve plants and peperomias
ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)
Size: Ranging from 15 to 36 inches (38 to 91 cm) high
Foliage: Fat, juicy stems lined with shiny, rounded leaves; very tidy
Other attributes: No flowers, but bulletproof
Exposure: East or west
Water requirements: Keep soil lightly moist but not soggy
Rate of growth: Slow
Soil type: Good potting soil with compost included
Fertilizing: Early spring to late autumn
Issues: Slow to form a good-looking plant
Companions: Ferns, ficus, mosses, prayer plants, rhipsalis, sansevierias and tradescantia
Check out how you can decorate your home with plants.