Canadian Living Books

Everyone needs to read "The Cost of Living" for a funny and heartbreaking take on womanhood

Everyone needs to read "The Cost of Living" for a funny and heartbreaking take on womanhood

Illustration: Emilie Simpson (Background)

Canadian Living Books

Everyone needs to read "The Cost of Living" for a funny and heartbreaking take on womanhood

Pick up this essential reading from Deborah Levy for a raw take on navigating womanhood in today's world. 

Moving from humorous to heartbreaking and inspiring to infuriating, this "living memoir" by Deborah Levy frankly and unabashedly captures modern woman­hood as she describes the failure of her marriage, the death of her mother, a shifting relationship with her children and the dis­illusion of the life she knew. 

Past intertwines with present as she touches on the lives and plights of many other women she meets, and she attempts to understand, undermine and redefine dated gender expectations at the age of 50. 

The Cost of Living (Hamish Hamilton) by Deborah Levy, $22.


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Canadian Living Books

Everyone needs to read "The Cost of Living" for a funny and heartbreaking take on womanhood
