Community & Current Events
Hurricane Matthew: How Canadians Can Help

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Community & Current Events
Hurricane Matthew: How Canadians Can Help
It’s estimated that Hurricane Matthew will impact 5 million people. The hurricane has been upgraded to Category 4 and it has already ripped through the Caribbean—the strongest Caribbean storm in nearly a decade—impacting Haiti, Jamaica, Dominican Republic and Cuba. It is making its way over Bahamas and up along the eastern US coast towards Florida, Carolinas and Georgia It has already carved a path of death and destruction, with the death toll in Haiti hovering at just over 100. And, Florida has ordered 1.5 million people to evacuate immediately.
Want to help? Here are a few options if you want to help those recovering from the impact of Hurricane Matthew.
The Canadian Red Cross
Canadians wishing to help people impacted by this disaster may make a donation to the Canadian Red Cross Hurricane Matthew Appeal online at, by calling 1-800-418-1111 or by contacting their local Canadian Red Cross office.
World Vision
Haiti is still rebuilding from the 2010 storm and again dealing with a growing death toll. To help World Vision distribute lifesaving essentials, such as clean water, blankets, emergency supplies and hygiene kits, directly to Haiti, you can donate online at or make a donation by phone at 1-800-526-7770
Its estimated that nearly six million children might be at risk due to the Atlantic’s strongest storm in years. With a focus on helping vulnerable children and families, you can donate funds that will go to mobilize emergency staff and supplies, including clean water, medical items, food and shelter.
Donate here:
CARE Canada
CARE has one of the largest humanitarian agencies in Haiti. “The biggest needs following the storm will be clean drinking water as the flooding will contaminate the water supply,” says Jean-Michel Vigreux, country director, CARE. To donate funds that will go towards clean drinking water, food, and emergency, supplies, call 1-800-267-5232.
Food For The Poor
This agency helps distribute food and medicine to Haiti and Jamaica. To donate, go online to
Save the Children
With staff and partners on the ground, Save The Children helps assist children and families impacted by this storm by distributing essentials, such as baby items, hygiene kits and mosquito nets. To donate, go online to