Culture & Entertainment
3 steps to a better financially fit new year

Culture & Entertainment
3 steps to a better financially fit new year
2012 - New Year, New Start
Remember those sketch boards when you just glide the button at the bottom and start a new?
Well, that's what January means to me. Fresh start with a new page.
Time to resolve to get in a better financial situation. I don't know what lies ahead for 2012, but my intention is to start it off a little more knowledge and accountability.
Here's my financially resolutions:
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="160" caption="Image by alancleaver_2000 via Flickr"]
1. Resolve to tackle my debt.
I start by listing on paper all my financial debts - and the truth hurts - there's no use hiding it - it's just a fact. I owe.
Seek guidance and advise from a trusted financial advisor. Your individual goals are personal and distinct to your situation - your family. An advisor just might be able to get you there faster, stronger, better.
2. Resolve to stick to my diet - cash diet.
I've never been quite good a maintaining a diet - well, at least with food. So, just so I'm not tempted, I'm starting by hiding my credit cards. Afterall, orginally, they were suppose to be used for emergencies only.
3. Resolve to commit - long term
It won't get better overnight, it needs time and patience.
"This journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - Lao Tzu
I'm starting with little changes;

- Make my own coffee to take to work; bring my lunch;
- Arrange to have automatic monthly transfers to another bank account for those unexpected expenses. Let's start at $20.00 a month;
- Increase mortgage payments to bi-weekly;