Culture & Entertainment
3 things to do with kids during an ice storm

Culture & Entertainment
3 things to do with kids during an ice storm
So at casa Gruden, we have been without power since Saturday night. Part of what I hope to teach my kids over time is resilience, and so the first day we just had a lot of fun. It wasn't too cold, and we played checkers and read books and heated hot chocolate on our gas stove. Here are three things we've dpme tpdau/
1. Slow down and listen While we still were able to do some tidying-type chores, a sudden halt to the day's regular plans made lots of space. I heard a few things from my 8-year-old about his school that I hadn't heard before, and my almost-3-year-old "wrote" a whole story. I don't know that our actual activities were all that different from a regular afternoon at home, but there was a sense of time that was different. All that was, I'll admit, a bit hard for me. I am the parent who gets full of adrenaline and starts to pace the house looking for more batteries and muttering about buying a generator this summer. I think that is one thing kids give you: A reason to be calm, and examine the Lego tower.
2. Take a really close look at things Besides the crash course in electricity ("no, the heat doesn't blow through the house without electricity") we really took a look at ice. How it falls, what temperature it is at, how beautiful it is around a branch but how it weighs a lot and can take great big trees down. I try to have those moments with our kids as often as possible, but in the pre-holiday bustle my head has been more on my to-do list than my to-see list. Nature is pretty awesome.
3. Come up with a plan B together Although it's expensive, with a guy under-three at home and having reached the point where we could see our breath in our bedroom, we decamped to a hotel. My kids came up with the idea to go swimming (no, I don't know why...they said 'with dolphins' and clearly that is not happening!) Through the magic of money, voila, a hotel swimming pool. Hopefully the power will be back for Christmas Eve!
How have you coped with (minor) disaster?
