Culture & Entertainment
5 costly habits we should break

Culture & Entertainment
5 costly habits we should break
Some habits are hard to break. Some are just annoying, others are expensive!
Here's 5 costly habits we should break.
- Smoking! STOP! I know it's hard, but the health benefits are worth it. We all know the health risks with smoking. Lung cancer, other cancers, respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease. It's also expensive, at about $10 a pack, let's say, 2 packs a week, that's $1040.00 a year. Please try to quit or cut down.
- Coffee Pick-up - It had become part of my morning routine. Really. I swear, the car drove there automatically. Next thing I knew, I was at the speaker... "Good morning, one large with two milk..." and the attendant would finish my order..."and a blueberry muffin. That will be $3.79 please drive up." She recognized my voice! That's $985.40 a year. My work collegue and I arrive early and make fresh coffee at the office and store a pack of muffins.
- Lunch - Same thing goes for lunch. Even a fast take-out lunch can run at around $8.00 per day - and that's low - that's $2080.00 a year. Pack your lunch the night before. Easy sandwiches, left-over dinner. It's healthier for you anyway.
- Lottery tickets - Oh, the dream. What I would do if I won the lottery, $1,000 for life, guessed the right sports team winner in Pro-line, picked the right horse - but really, what are the chances! Even at a reasonable $2.00 a week of trying my luck - it's $104.00 a year
- Entertainment - Drinks after work? Dinner and a movie? A couple of magazines? Why not head to your local library? Pot-luck at your house this week? These savings vary per year, but I'm estimating around $790.00 a year.