Culture & Entertainment
An Open Letter To The Biebs

Culture & Entertainment
An Open Letter To The Biebs
Dear Justin, I’m not sure how my 10 year old daughter has somehow by-passed your music, but I’m kinda glad she has. Sure, my friend Eric Alper put one of your tracks on our playlist when we were all training for a race back in 2010, but I think it was meant to spurn us on to run faster. It worked for me. (By the way, do you even remember that far back? I think your pants actually fit then…) We’ve all had pictures of rock and pop stars on our walls, but the thing is, when I was a kid, pop stars didn’t really speak: they
sported pouty lips, well moussed hair, and did their choreo. Some even attempted to play instruments. I know, I know, it was positively medieval back then(And yes, you’re right: Sid Vicious had a political agenda, but let’s face it: you’re not Sid Vicious, and really, I’m not sure you’d want to be. His fans weren’t as cute and didn’t bring cuddly toys to the concerts…) But I actually want to thank you for your shameless self-promotion. In belittling the message of Anne Frank by hoping that she would have bought your cds and been a “Belieber”, you’ve actually given me a perfect opening for a teachable moment: to show my children what someone can achieve with courage and strength in the face adversity. I’m talking about Anne, by the way, not you at a Polish airport. Right now, back here at home in Canada, you’re kinda being upstaged by another Justin. His name’s Trudeau. Ya, like the Montreal airport. His dad was a guy who did stuff for this country too, but you might have missed all that, like you missed the point of Anne Frank, while you were out busking and making YouTube vids. S’ok, no biggie. But I’ll make sure my kids know on your behalf. Chill and have fun at the Junos. I’m sure you’ll make headlines again if you actually show. I'd say kick it old skool, but you might not get the irony. Best, Racheal
