Culture & Entertainment
Cast of The Lion King surprise commuters on NYC subway

Culture & Entertainment
Cast of The Lion King surprise commuters on NYC subway
This has been a particularly difficult week for me. My own concerns have been compounded by all the turmoil happening on our planet. It feels like everywhere I look people are hurting one another. Being part of the media is particularly difficult because we're inundated, 24-7, with news stories, social media streams and wire alerts about everything happening across the planet -- and most of it isn't good.
But sometimes, a gem slips through the cracks and you're forced to pause and take note. These gems are hopeful reminders that no matter how bad things are (because they are), there is goodness left in humanity.
As I sit at my desk and write this, my heart is beating fast and I'm a bubble of so many emotions. Why? Because of this video. It's the cast of The Lion King doing an impromptu performance on a subway car in NYC. Their song of choice? The Circle of Life -- quite possible one of the best songs of our time.
I can't even imagine what my reaction would be if I saw this live. So cool!
Here it is. Enjoy!