Culture & Entertainment
Checkin' In With The Food Guide

Culture & Entertainment
Checkin' In With The Food Guide
As bathing suit season looms, I thought I'd check in our our food guide to make sure I'm keeping my family, and my waistline, balanced. But since statistic show we're an increasingly overweight nation, I thought I'd take it back a few years and revisist the Canada Food Guide, or Canada's Food Rules, from 1944.
Bit of an eye opener, isn't it. Sure, they were in the middle of a war and rationing was de rigueur, but the focus then was on fresh, simple, local and by default organic. I'm wondering if we could survive on that diet, and if maybe the key to cleaning out our obesity is by going back to basics. A bowl of whole-crain cereal plus four slices of bread and butter is a bit unfathomable for me, but then so is only having 2 fruits a day. But maybe they were on to something... Roughly 8 ounces of sugar was all a person was allowed per week. Victory Gardens abounded, which meant tilling your own soil (aka exercise with a dash of social responsibility), and if you look closely, leafy greens and fish oils, aka Omega 3's, are on the list, making them vital even back then. Only 1 serving of meat or fish per day, plus eggs and cheese, which were all rationed, at least 3 times per week, Makes the whole meatless meals movement seem retro now. They also recommend at least one serving of potatoes per day. Did they have sour cream and onion chips back then?
