Other than the reminder to change the batteries in our fire detectors, can someone tell me why we still do this? It’s 2013 and we’re still abiding an outdated, archaic ritual. Don’t get me wrong, some archaic rituals are great, but this one? I always thought it was implemented to help farmers by getting extra daylight hours into winter. But no. Apparently, the Kiwi who invented and implemented modern Daylight Savings did it to maximize
summer daylight hours. Whaaaa? So I have to endure a pain worse than jetlag because you want to play an extra round of golf? Where are Phineas & Ferb with their time machine so I can go back and knock him upside the head? We all know a mother who has to endure the torture of readjusting her children’s internal clock would never come up with something so idiotic. I say we draw the line here and end the insanity. Are you with me?