Culture & Entertainment
Does Prince George look like Princess Diana?

Culture & Entertainment
Does Prince George look like Princess Diana?
My favourite part about looking at baby pictures is trying to figure out who the little one looks like! And I absolutely love trying to figure out where
adorable Prince George gets his looks. Uncle Harry thinks George's chubby cheeks
make him look like Winston Churchill. And when George was born, William said he looked like Kate. I can definitely see both those comparisons. But, the person I really want George to look like is Princess Diana. I don't think I'm alone in hoping that George has a large piece of Diana in him, since he won't ever get to meet his amazing grandmother. So does George look like his paternal grandma?
I think George inherited his grandma's eyes. Kate has said George has the Middleton eyes and he definitely gets the dark hazel colour from his mom's side. But the soulfulness and the shape of his eyes are pure Spencer. Kate's eyes are much rounder, whereas George's are more hooded like Diana's.
This photo gives us a better look at
George's features in comparison to his parents and grandmother. You can see that George gets his nose from his mom. Both William and Diana have a slimmer, pointed nose, versus George and Kate, whose noses are more rounded at the tip. What's interesting is George's facial structure. He definitely doesn't have William's long face, his face is more round like Kate's. And his cheeks are definitely from Kate (sorry Winston)! But his pointed chin is pure Diana. Now where do George's adorable lips come from? Not his mom or grandma! Kate and Diana both have very thin lips. George's lips are nice and plump like his Dad's. And actually, uncle Harry has plump lips too. Of course, George's fair colouring comes from his dad who gets it from Diana. The Middletons have more of an olive skin tone, but the Spencer genes are much fairer. I can't wait to see
Prince George grow up and see how his looks change. And of course see how his personality develops! I think right now his impish personality is pure Harry! And I hope that doesn't change because Harry is, in my opinion, the best member of the royal family.
Who do you think Prince George looks like?
Photos of George, Kate and William courtesy of Keystone Press. Top photo of Diana courtesy of Nick Parfjonov/Wikimedia Commons. Bottom photo of Diana courtesy of Paisley Scotland FlickrCC
