Culture & Entertainment
Fave Tweets for Olympians and their moms

Culture & Entertainment
Fave Tweets for Olympians and their moms
Winning is all the buzz on Twitter -- along with talk about Mom! Folks have been highlighting the incredible social media quotient of this Olympic Games. It's been staggering. Team Canada athletes have been swapping jokes, Tweeting words of encouragement, and crafting Facebook shout-outs about their supportive friends and families, especially the moms. [caption id="attachment_12367" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Christiane Despatie, mom of diver extraordinaire Alexandre (Courtesy: P&G)"]
[/caption] As I get ready to head to the Olympic Games (I arrive in London this coming weekend), I've been following a dozen or Twitter accounts of Olympians and people affiliated with the London Olympics. I can't count the times that the
Thank You Mom videos have gone viral on Twitter (and Facebook). The touching mom-and-child scenes seem to resonate with everyone. Tweets and images of the lucky moms who were given tickets to the Opening Ceremony (part of
P&G's Thank You Mom campaign) garnered as much attention as Daniel Craig and the Queen - and that was a pretty tough act to follow. I've eavesdropped on Twitter exchanges between athletes, athletes and their siblings, athletes and their moms and dads. I'm beginning to feel like part of the family in a few cases.
My fave Olympic Twitter follows:
Don't be shy. Take a moment and Tweet one of our fave Olympians - and include a shout-out to their mother. Your mom would be proud of you.

- Paula Findlay @PaulaFindlay
- Alexander Despatie @ADespatie
- Adam van Koeverden @vankayak
- Mary Spencer @Canadianboxer
- Christine Sinclair @sincy12
- Canadian Olympic Team @CDNOlympicTeam
- Canadian Paralympic Team @CDNParalympics
- Meaghan Benfeito @MegBenfeito (her Tweets the day she won bronze were golden!)
- Thank You Mom @ThankYouMomCA (The excellent Procter and Gamble campaign which is celebrating mothers of our Olympic athletes)
- Chef de Commission Mark Tewksbury @marktewks (this guy's energy percolates through every #hashtag)

