Culture & Entertainment

French Immersion

Canadian Living
Culture & Entertainment

French Immersion

First term of school is done and report cards have been received.  Okay, now what? 1208289561_e4b0a8df87_t My oldest son started French Immersion in Senior Kindergarten this year. We wanted him to be challenged and have fun learning.  And that's a hard combination.  It took a few weeks to adjust,but next thing I know, he's counting in French at home, listing all the colours, addressing me with " Bonjour ma mere",  " Au revoir",  and singing Christmas songs! Me, on the other hand, know very little French. A few words to get by, and a few not so nice sentences. So, I'm learning too. We decided to take steps to welcome French into our home.  Sounds weird, yes? It actually looks even weirder, but it helps.
  • We put post-it notes on household items with French translations. Yes, on chairs, computer, fridge, table, stairs.
  • We change the Walt Disney DVDs to French and watch the movie together.
  • We talk about going on a trip to Quebec and practicing our French, in real situations.
  • I take advantage of the tools on the web.  I found that abcteach website is a great resource for worksheets, flash cards, puzzles and more!
It's actually kind of fun. Afterall, who doesn't love French Fries, French Toast?   Try it.  Any language will do. Revoir mes amis.


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Culture & Entertainment

French Immersion
