Culture & Entertainment
How Are the Diet Resolutions Going?

Culture & Entertainment
How Are the Diet Resolutions Going?
As January rolls to a close, I’m just wondering how everyone’s New Year’s resolutions are holding up? Has the “eat right, live well” sentiment already given way to “
I have no choice but to eat this Quarter Pounder because it’s the only
thing between here and a stale hot dog at the rink and at least it has onions and pickles (i.e. vegetables) in it?” Or are you in the
“just one more cup of coffee will quell my hunger and keep me hand me the Fritos” stage already? Well, I’ve come up with a brilliant plan. I am now only going to eat what’s left behind on my kids’ plates. Portion size won’t be an issue and I’ll cut a minimum of 400 calories a day easy. I’ll get dodgy bits of grilled cheese and cauliflower, which I don’t like anyway. Perfect. They’ll have eaten the fries, so I don’t have to worry about that temptation. But blobs of peanut butter on the tablecloth are fair game.
Broth soups, of course, will be key to every meal. Just make sure they’re sodium reduced. You’ll make up for lost salt by licking your children’s fingers after they’ve eaten chicken nuggets. Of course pizza crusts with the toppings eaten off will be a staple. Keep in mind the tomato sauce does count as an anti-oxidant. And no, I won’t be digging raisins out of the car seat, no matter how tempting it may be... Copious amounts of water must also be consumed to ensure a proper cleans and body balance, and yes, you will be peeing every 18
seconds. Not to worry, I have a network of women who know every good, clean, stroller-friendly public washroom across the country. Just email me if you need help, and no, the children’s school is
not off limits. Now, about wine: Yes, adult grape juice is allowed but, like any juice, must only be consumed in moderation. Unless it’s playoff weekend and you’re stuck in an ice rink for 48 hours on end. In that case, adult juice and hot toddies and/or Irish coffee are a necessity. Same goes for Super Bowl Sunday. Let me know how it goes and have a great week!
