Culture & Entertainment

How to find a use for cow manure

Canadian Living
Culture & Entertainment

How to find a use for cow manure

cow_glblog.jpg I read a great article in today's Globe and Mail. Laurie Stanton, a dairy farmer in Ilderton, Ontario, intends to convert the mass quantity of cow manure on his farm into ... electricity!! Stanton expects that each cow will produce enough manure to keep three 50-watt light bulbs constantly lit. This innovative move will find use for the waste that comes from the farm’s 750 milking cows, plus Stanton intends to eventually incorporate food waste from local canneries into the mix. This project will start off small, but Stanton hopes to eventually produce enough electricity for 800 homes. Since the production of ethanol takes away land from food production, using cow manure and other waste will prove to be a much more sustainable method for producing energy. I can't wait to see how this project turns out. Check out the article here and let me know what you think. Visit our forums and let us know what initiatives you're taking to live a greener life.


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Culture & Entertainment

How to find a use for cow manure
