It’s that time of year again and I’m trying to figure out what I can and cannot write off when it comes to the bairn. Of course I know there are sports and arts credits for extracurricular activities, but what about the other “essentials”? For example, can I write off all the Tylenol and bottles of wine used to combat stress and headaches caused by sibling spats? How about the workshop on conflict resolution which also lead to the need of mass amounts of pain killers and Pinot? Are replacement business clothes damaged by neighbour’s newborn baby spew covered? What about my sister’s Jimmy Choo’s that got run over by a jogging stroller? Then there are manicures wrecked from washing out persnickety crevices in lunch bags and reusable snack containers, hair that’s gone unnaturally grey from trying to complete on-line registration forms without the system crashing, oh and grocery bills going up exponentially in direct relation to the wee one’s growth spurts. I think it’s time for the Canada Revenue Agency to re-evaluate…