Culture & Entertainment
J.K. Rowling's response about LGBT students at Hogwarts, and the Canadian connection

Culture & Entertainment
J.K. Rowling's response about LGBT students at Hogwarts, and the Canadian connection
Recently, acclaimed author of the Harry Potter books, J.K. Rowling, was asked a question over Twitter about the possibility of there being LGBT students in a modern era Hogwarts.
This was J.K. Rowling's response:
Classic, right?
Here's what you may not know. The poster was created by a Canadian designer named Abby Crosby. She volunteers for an organization in Halifax, Nova Scotia called The Youth Project, and created the poster for the region's annual Hal-Con.
When asked about her inspiration for the poster, Crosby said, "I am not a graphic designer by any means. I just picked up a few skills at my job and like to do some volunteer work for The Youth Project when I can."
She says she was asked to do a series of posters for Hal-Con, and one in particular had a Harry Potter theme. "They gave me the line, “If Harry Potter taught us anything, it’s that no one should live in a closet”—which I think is just awesome—and I did the design. The words were the inspiration, and they needed to be the focal point."
There's no doubt that anyone would be excited about being acknowledged by a celebrity -- and Crosby is no different. When asked about her reaction to the attention, she said, "It’s J.K. Rowling and I'm a huge fan, so I was kinda shocked!"
She's especially excited about The Youth Project getting so much attention, particularly because they're a small organization. "The Youth Project makes a huge difference for LGBTQ youth. I’m pumped for them, and really proud to be connected to them in this little way," she says.
We're excited, too! Way to go!