Well, the Cambridge's official tour of New Zealand and Australia is just beginning and there is already controversy. Kate and William requested a
front-facing car seat for George to use as he's transported from place to place while in New Zealand. Child health services company
posted pictures of an employee installing a front-facing car seat into the royal's official car. The Maxi Cosi car seat was provided to the company by Buckingham Palace and Plunket was asked to install it. But many people are criticizing why a company dedicated to the "health and wellbeing of children under 5" agreed to install a front-facing car seat for an 8-month old, when children under
two are recommended to be in a rear-facing car seat. In the UK this would have been acceptable as babies only need to be in a
rear-facing seat until they can sit-up unaided, which George can do at 8 months. But in New Zealand and here in Canada, most kids stay in rear-facing seats until they are two because it is safer for them. In fact, Plunket recommends children be in a rear-facing car seat until they are two-years of age. So why was Prince George an exception to this safety rule? I'm sure the decision to use a front-facing car seat was made so the public would have a better view
Prince George while he's on tour. And realistically, the chances of George being in a car crash are slim to none since he will be surrounded by a large motorcade and a team of protection officers. But still, I question why
Kate and William would have done this. Their job as royals is to be an example and I personally think this is a very poor example to set. Royal tour or not, your baby's safety should be your top priority. This is not the first time George's car seat has caused controversy. When the royal couple left the hospital with baby George, many critics said
he was not properly strapped in to his Britax car seat.
What do you think?
Photo courtesy of Keystone Press