Culture & Entertainment
My 100 Happy Days challenge: Week 6

Culture & Entertainment
My 100 Happy Days challenge: Week 6
It's always tough getting back into the work week after you've been away for a few days. You'll remember from my last post, I was in Vermont for a few days. Coming back was great, but also a bit stressful because of some renovations happening around our office. I realized my coworkers and I needed a bit of relief to get through the mildly chaotic spell, so I created an emergency chocolate jar (Day 36). The emergency chocolate jar is an idea I picked up from a former coworker. I remember having a particularly tough day around Christmas, last year, and she noticed (apparently I wear my emotions on my face). I had stepped away from my desk for a few minutes and when I came back, her jar (stash, really) of emergency chocolate was on my desk with a note that read, "Emergency chocolate. X". I'm not afraid to admit the gesture made me a bit weepy. It was a sweet thing to do, and it helped. So the idea has carried forward. I've been thinking a lot about the kind gestures made toward me by coworkers, past and present. I spend a lot of time during the week with these folks, and I must say, a lot of happy moments during my days happen because of them. Take Day 39, for instance. One coworker noticed I hadn't left my desk all day, and asked that I go for a walk with her. The walk, where we were bathed in sunshine (thank you, Mother Nature), led us to Starbucks for a delicious (half priced) afternoon treat. Instant happiness! And today was fantastic. I dedicated my happy moment for Day 40 to our health editor, Kate Daley. She's
an ambassador for Camp Oochigeas, and had to do some fundraising to help with efforts. On top of deadlines, assignments and other day-to-day tasks, Kate managed to raise a good amount of money for a fantastic cause. I'm so proud of her!
So the lesson for today is that happiness and happy moments can be closer than you think, and the experiences can come in unbelievable packages. You have to learn to look for the happy in all that you do, see and experience. And the best part? It's easier than you might think! Don’t forget — you can come back here every Friday to read about my journey. I’ll discuss my experiences, joys, challenges and lessons learned. Would you like to keep up with my progress? You can follow me on
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