Culture & Entertainment
My 100 Happy Days challenge: Week 8

Culture & Entertainment
My 100 Happy Days challenge: Week 8
It's interesting seeing the progression of these photos over the days. When I started the
100 Happy Days challenge on March 31st this year, it was cold and I was determined to get out of my winter funk. I almost feel like the photos have gotten brighter over time -- and not just because the weather has brightened, but also because I'm seeing simple, everyday things in a new light.
I mentioned last week that on some days it's difficult to capture happy moments, especially when all you want to do is find the reset button for your life. This challenge forces me to refocus my energy and remember to be grateful for little things, small gestures and simple pleasures. Like going for a walk and seeing blooming tulips dancing in the wind. Or de-cluttering and finding a box full of old postcards sent by friends from all over the world. Or embracing a sunny day and eating lunch in the park. The other day a coworker said, "Wow, this happy days challenge seems to really be working." She was referring to the fact that even while complaining to her about some usual woes, I was actively seeing reasons to be positive. I'd start whining, and then I'd say something like, "It's okay. I'm going to focus on this instead." Clearly not what she was used to with me. So that got me thinking -- I must have really complained A LOT in the past few months. Yikes! If being happier and more focused on filling my life with positive energy is a side-effect of doing this challenge, I'm completely okay with it. If you need a dose of hope, courage and optimism, make sure to check out these
10 best quotes and poems from Maya Angelou. I promise they will inspire you.
