Culture & Entertainment
National Puppy Day promotes adoption, not buying

Culture & Entertainment
National Puppy Day promotes adoption, not buying
By Tanya Debi
Recently, in Dallas, a group of animal rescuers were trying to round up all the stray animals in Dallas Park. One stray dog greeted the rescuers with loud barking, almost as if he was asking them to follow him. When one rescuer did, she heard a soft whimper, and when she searched to see where it was coming from, she found 10 starving and freezing puppies lying next to their worn-out mom. The stray dog that led the rescuers to the abandoned pups was fittingly named Hero. And the upshot? The adult dogs and puppies are now up for adoption.
This story is important because it sheds light on the fact that there are so many stray animals that need homes, especially with the growth of backyard breeders who throw animals away like they are trash.
Backyard breeders, more commonly known to run puppy mills, usually don't care about the animals in their care and see them only as an end product that needs to be sold. Many of the animals never get vaccinated and have never had proper health examinations. In fact, some puppies are taken away from their mothers at such a young age that they don't experience a bonding relationship with her, which results in non-existent social skills. Over time, this could deem the dog unadoptable and could also result in the dog being dropped off at a shelter. It comes full circle and not in a good way.
At these puppy mills, many female dogs are used for the sole purpose of breeding puppies, and when they get older and can't breed anymore, they are discarded because they have become 'useless.' To bring awareness to this problem, March 23rd is being recognized as National Puppy Day (different from National Dog Day). It's a special and fairly new event that was founded by author Colleen Paige, who has devoted her life to improving the lives of animals. This day brings awareness to orphaned puppies; it helps educate the public about the horrors of puppy mills and promotes adoption instead of buying.
If you decide to add a pet to your family, this is a good time to do so! But remember: adopt don't buy! There are many shelters that are crowded with amazing animals in need of their forever homes.
Everyone should really listen to Bob Barker when he says, "have your pet spayed or neutered." Seriously. This is a real situation that can easily be avoided.
Here's your chance to spread the word and celebrate all living things on National Puppy Day!
Are you an animal lover? We've rounded up some cool videos to nurture your animal-loving spirit.
Dog-friendly dog training
Veterinarian and dog trainer Ian Dunbar challenges us to see the world through the eyes of man's best friend. By understanding this perspective, "we can build their love and trust."
Bringing a a new puppy home. How to plan for a new puppy.
Have you decided to introduce your family to a furry friend? These tips will help you prepare and bond with your new furry friend! Click here to watch the video on YouTube.
Pets who sound like they're talking.
Have you ever talked to your animal and swear he/she answered back? You're not alone! Check out this video that shows animals who talk like they are humans!
Therapy dogs help wounded warriors heal.
Therapy dogs come to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center to provide comfort an aid to its recuperating service members. Therapy dogs are used quite a bit nowadays, they visit cancer patients at their bedside and some schools have even invited therapy dogs to provide relief to stressed-out students during exam time.
POV of a dog playing in the snow.
A snow day through the eyes of man's best friend. Perhaps this is one way we can build their love and trust, courtesy of Ian Dunbar (above).
Do you have a cute pet adoption story? Please tell us in the comments section.