Culture & Entertainment

New Cyberbullying Law Should Make Parents More Aware

Canadian Living
Culture & Entertainment

New Cyberbullying Law Should Make Parents More Aware

The new cyberbullying law that just took effect in Nova Scotia has been met with both acclaim and criticism. As with most laws, this one isn't perfect, but it does provide victims with some recourse. With cases like Rehtaeh Parsons and Amanda Todd, who were both driven to suicide as a result of bullying through the use of social media, it was time for lawmakers to take action. Everyone needs to think twice about their actions online. If it takes the threat of criminal prosecution to make them do so, that's not a bad thing. A mean-spirited Facebook status or Tweet can have far more detriment than ever thought or intended. It's too easy to share demeaning or hurtful photos that many folks do it without taking any responsibility for the part they play in cyberbullying. Sharing a bully's message or standing idly by doesn't make it any of it okay. You have to give your online comments as much if not more thought than the ones that come out of your mouth because they are broadcast for all to see. And yet, I highly doubt this occurs among adults, let alone teenagers. You can be sure that many of the things people post online, they would never have the balls to say to someone's face. Just look at the comments for any given Internet story. The fact that people can so callously write whatever comes to mind because they are doing so from the anonymity of a keyboard shows that there is a definite lack in restraint and social graces when it comes to online interactions. The new law also makes parents liable for their kids' actions. I suspect many parents don't really know what their kids are up to online, or this type of thing wouldn't happen. This law will hopefully encourage parents to become more aware and responsible about their children's online activities. At the end of the day, the law makes people more aware of the seriousness of cyberbullying and that it has real consequences. If nothing else, this is a step in the right direction. I hope it offers victims and their families a small piece of solace.  


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Culture & Entertainment

New Cyberbullying Law Should Make Parents More Aware
