It might look like an
activity tracker, but it’s a little bit smarter and monitors your heartbeat for entirely different reasons than fitness. It’s called Nymi and it uses your unique cardiac rhythm to authenticate your identity. Though it might sound like a fictional device out of a sci-fi film, it’s actually on the market, and Toronto-based manufacturer Bionym plans to ship the 10,000 preorders this fall. What does it do exactly? It senses your electrocardiography when you place a finger on the wristband’s topside sensor, then wirelessly pairs to your devices. The aim? To eliminate the need for keys and passwords, and to allow for smart password-free and key-free interactivity with your smartphone, tablet, desktop—even your car. Its gesture-recognition system means that a simple turn of the wrist can unlock your vehicle or pop open your trunk. Nymi also protects your privacy, while simultaneously
eliminating the need for confusing passwords, and it allows you to bypass pesky PIN prompts.
The first 25,000 can be
preordered for $79.
Photo courtesy Bionym