Culture & Entertainment
One Mom Taking It Too Far

Culture & Entertainment
One Mom Taking It Too Far
Some wackjob mom of a 2 and 3 year old is complaining about an exhibit at the
Vancouver Maritime Museum saying it
“features numerous images of inappropriate nature” and strongly feels it should be removed.
I live 4,300 kms away and I know all about it, so first of all I think the museum should personally thank that mom for publicizing the exhibit better than their own media and PR team ever could. It’s now national news all thanks to that one mom. Congrats! Really, I mean it, well done! Secondly, the exhibit is called
“Tattoos & Scrimshaw: The Art of the Sailor.” I don’t know about you, but when my kids were 2 and 3, I was taking them to a
Peter Rabbit exhibit at the
ROM, not to a showing of Sea Dog’s tats.
So I need to ask that mom, what were you thinking? I mean, were you paid by the museum to see if you could generate interest? I’m sort of hoping so because if this is legit, you’ve got way too much time on your hands.
Because I Am A Girl or your local food bank always need volunteers and that would be a much better use of your energy. And by the way, your inane provocation besmirched moms everywhere. The exhibit is not in the Children’s Maritime Discovery Centre at the museum, but in it’s own area with a separate entrance. As reported in the National Post, they are
“displayed in a case raised high off the floor, well beyond scope of a toddler’s inquisitive eyes, and lighting is prudishly dim. Next to the display is a sign: “Hide Your Eyes! These pieces of scrimshaw are not intended for children.” " Ok, so maybe it’s not in the “bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying
Beware of the Leopard," but still. You made that choice. Suck it up. There’s a lot of stuff on TV I think is inappropriate for my children, but I acknowledge that other people like it; so I do what all, ok most, moms do: I TURN IT OFF. Same goes for movies, theatre, art, museums and the magazine rack at Shopper's. If I don’t think it’s right for my child, I don’t let them see it. Sorry if that’s a wee bit tricky for that one Vancouver mom, but the rest of us find it pretty easy.
