Sometimes I can't help but shake my head at media coverage of the royals, in particular of sweet baby George.
Prince George had his first official royal engagement this week where he
attended a playdate with 10 other babies in New Zealand. And the articles about Prince George's behaviour at the event are quite funny. In People's article on the event titled, "
What Prince George Revealed About Himself At His Playdate," they said the little prince "boldly grabbed toys and crawled confidently across the floor." He also "knows how to be the boss." Come on! He's a baby. All babies grab toys from other kids because they don't know any better. They see something they want and they take it, it's the baby mentality. They don't understand what sharing is and they don't have the cognitive function to understand that it's mean to take someone's toy. And to say he "boldly" grabbed the toys made me laugh. He's eight months old and saw a toy he wanted to play with. Of course he grabbed it with enthusiasm, that's what babies do when they're excited. I also had quite a laugh over him being called "the boss." Every baby is the boss because they are the centre of their world. And if they are the first born, then they are the centre of their parent's, grandparent's and family's world. So yes they are a boss of sorts because whether they cry, laugh or poop, someone is paying attention to them and catering to their needs. I understand the world's fascination with Prince George, I am totally in love with him too. And of course we all want to know as much about him as possible. But let's not get ridiculous and call a baby grabby and bossy. All babies are grabby and bossy, that's a part of being a baby. Just like
screaming and
being grumpy are. That isn't news. Instead let's focus on how cute he is and how much we all want to eat his little cheeks. Now that's a story!
What do you think?
Photo courtesy of Keystone Press