Culture & Entertainment
Rob Ford: the ultimate teachable moment?

Culture & Entertainment
Rob Ford: the ultimate teachable moment?
There’s a lot of talk about “teachable moments”, taking potentially difficult, embarrassing or awkward situations, and turning them round so we can learn from them and move forward. As a parent, I’ve done that many, many times in the school yard, at the park, in movies, music, bookstores and the font of wealth, family holiday gatherings. Somehow the lessons always wrap up neat and tidy like an After School Special. Or Pillsbury cookies.
Now, I live and raise my kids in a little city called Toronto. Have you heard of it? Apparently all the international media have. Even the Americans -we made Conan! We have a…well, let’s call him “mayor”, with a…let’s call it “problem”. And in case you think your children don’t notice newspapers or pay attention to the news breaks on the radio in between the latest Katy Perry single on the way to hockey, here’s what my kids have taught me about the Rob Ford Scandal: 1)
“You don’t have to know proper grammar to be mayor.” 2)
“Red faced, sweaty people don’t look good on TV, and I wouldn’t trust him.” 3)
“If you’re mayor, you shouldn’t be a liar.” 4)
“The mayor is supposed to set a good example, like our school principal and our teachers, and he’s not. He’s letting the whole city down.” 5)
“Bobbleheads are stupid.” 6)
“Anyone who smokes and does drugs is a loser and a very, very bad man.” 7)
“John Tory should have run.”
