Culture & Entertainment

Season of Holiday Commercials

Canadian Living
Culture & Entertainment

Season of Holiday Commercials

So the season of holiday commercials is upon us. I have to admit, I love holiday commercials. They rank second only to Olympic commercials in my mind. (I swear, between the athletes and commercials, I weep for all 16 days of any Games.) I love seeing how witty and clever they can be. But what I love most is when they tug at our heartstrings with feel-good family moments. Because for me, that's what the holidays are all about. Family. And reminiscing over family memories--whether good or bad. We can laugh at them all (or at least most of them) in hindsight. My current favourite running right now is from Sears. Sears? I know, right? I haven't felt connected with Sears in forever. But their latest holiday commercial is genius, mixing old memories with new ones. I love watching it online whenever I need a pick-me-up. It reminds me of my childhood memories of Sears. I remember eating in the Sears restaurant where my mom would buy my sister and me grilled cheese sandwiches and banana cream pie--two things we never got at home (my Chinese parents are not big dairy fans). So, it would be the highlight of any trip to the mall. I remember once I got lost in the mall, so naturally, I headed for Sears. I knew it to be a safe haven, and told the first nice saleslady I found I was lost. They sent a message through the intercom in the mall and my mom came a running. It makes me want to take my daughter to Sears, just so she can have such great memories too! So, tell me, what great holiday commercials do you love? Do they spur any memories for you?


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Culture & Entertainment

Season of Holiday Commercials
