Culture & Entertainment

Should you track your significant other’s whereabouts?

Canadian Living
Culture & Entertainment

Should you track your significant other’s whereabouts?

As a fairly new iPhone user, I’m only now getting used to the world of apps. Last night, I downloaded my latest smartphone tool: Find My Friends. You see, my live-in boyfriend is going on a work trip that requires him to drive across the country in a pickup truck (with a massive trailer hitched to the back). Trucks make me nervous, as do long road trips (way too many friends have blown tires in the American middle-of-nowhere). And rather than exchanging texts every other hour so that I know he’s still alive, we thought downloading Find My Friends was a more efficient solution. It allows me to see where he is and will even notify me when he reaches pit stops, like his hotel for the night. It also dawned on us that the app could have other uses. Since my beau gets home from work first most evenings, he usually makes dinner and will time it so that it’s ready to serve when I walk in the door. (I’m a lucky girl.) That usually means I have to call him as I leave work. Not always an easy feat if I’m in a rush, as I ride two elevators into the underground parking garage and my car doesn’t have hand-free capabilities. So instead, he can set the app to notify him when I leave my office, or when I get off the highway for a more accurate ETA. So much easier! But this morning, I got the following iMessage: iMessage The app, while convenient, could be a breeding ground for distrust or even the (potentially false) sense that your partner mistrusts you. Is that a road worth traversing? I’ve never been a clingy girlfriend, even when I had good reason to be (my ex). And now there’s absolutely no reason to be. My beloved is an open book and a pretty horrible liar. (I make sure to never ask him if I look a little rounder than when we first started dating.) He even shared his iPhone password with me on one of our first dates. And while I know I’m the perfect doting girlfriend (yay me!), I have felt some misgivings since sharing my location with him. (We’re saving to buy a house, and I may spend a little more time at the mall than he realizes….) Thankfully, my credit card bills are still 100 percent private.


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Culture & Entertainment

Should you track your significant other’s whereabouts?
