Culture & Entertainment

Sick on New Year's Eve

Canadian Living
Culture & Entertainment

Sick on New Year's Eve

As I sit here typing this blog post, sicker than a dog, I thought what would be more apropos than to discuss staying healthy in the New Year. This cold is the worst one I've had in years. And of course, I caught it from my lovely two year old who caught it from a fellow toddler. People weren't kidding when they said that kids are cesspools of disease! I think my germ-phobe husband's head nearly exploded when the little girl coughed in our daughter's face, and then announced to him, "I'm sick." 2012 was certainly one of the most understated New Year's Eve celebrations we've ever had. I think I passed out around 8:30pm (and not from liquor like prior NYEs). My husband slept on the couch because I was getting up so frequently to fill my water glass, blow my nose and use the washroom. (He also claims I was snoring from my congestion, but a lady does not snore, thank you very much!) And both of us just prayed that our daughter wasn't going to have another night of waking every 30 minutes coughing. We didn't wish each other a Happy New Year until late this morning when we remembered. After all, the holidays are tough when it comes to staying healthy. There's lots of parties and get-togethers where there is almost always at least one person with a cold. There's lots of fatty delicious foods to tempt us, and sometimes it's nearly impossible not to go back for seconds. There's the cold weather that makes it harder to get up and exercise when you can stay snuggled in your cozy bed. And there's just the added stress of Christmas shopping, decorating, hosting people at your home, and meeting your work deadlines so you can actually take some time off. While we do our best to keep everyone healthy and happy (we all know that everyone suffers when the kids are sick), I've come to accept that occasional colds and sickness just comes with the kid territory. That said, I still found this run-down of health tips in The Globe and Mail offered good reminders about how to stay healthy for the New Year. Anyhow, I wish you and yours the best for the New Year ahead, and I hope that you escaped the rounds of illness that seemed to be hitting every family I know this holiday season! And with that, I must bid you adieu as I must go blow my nose. Again.  


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Culture & Entertainment

Sick on New Year's Eve
