Culture & Entertainment
This is how I see them: birth order and my kids

Culture & Entertainment
This is how I see them: birth order and my kids
In my last
post, I wrote about birth order and how it defines who we are. It got me thinking about the little people I brought into this world and how I see them. They're kinda like my cake. My oldest – she is the cake batter. The beginning. She awakened a whole new part of my soul that I didn't even know existed. I love her best because she started this whole family thing and made me yearn for so much more. A wonderful introduction to this thing called parenthood. My only son – he is the freshly baked cake. The so very necessary delicious centre. He is the continuation on this journey of ours. I love him best because he introduced me to all things "boy" and helped me see the world through a whole new lens. [caption id="attachment_9794" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="The cake batter, the freshly baked cake and the icing."]
[/caption] My youngest – she is the icing on the cake, complete with cherries and a dollop of whipped cream. She is the sweet ending to our little group. The final addition. I love her best because she completes this little family of ours with a bit of fancy flair. I couldn't satisfy my cake-loving sweet tooth if I didn't have them all. Something just wouldn't be right. Something would always be missing. It just couldn't be.
