Money & Career

Be productive all week long with this simple trick

Be productive all week long with this simple trick

Photography, Andrew Neel,

Money & Career

Be productive all week long with this simple trick

There are many ways of organizing your schedule in order to maximize your efficiency, but the 'Focus Friday' technique has been gaining in popularity, and with good reason.

If you find it hard to stay motivated from Monday to Friday, you’ll want to try  a 'Focus Friday' timetable.

This technique, which has already taken off in the UK, involves not holding any meetings on Fridays. This way we can use the entire day to focus on tasks that need to get done before the weekend—without any interruptions.

An American study published in the Harvard Business Review in 2022 explains that remote meetings have increased by 60% since 2020. There are now eight meetings per week per employee, whereas prior to the pandemic the number was around five.

That's why "Focus Friday" is a useful concept to implement: it’s a day that allows every employee to focus on important tasks at hand, without interruptions.

There are a few tips you can follow in order for Focus Friday to work:

  • Let your superiors and colleagues know about this practice so everyone can get behind it
  • Set realistic objectives so you don’t get overwhelmed
  • Get a planner (we love this one), and write done all of your tasks for the day (don’t forget to check them off once they’re done!)

Focus Friday can also take place at any time of the week. The choice is yours!





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Money & Career

Be productive all week long with this simple trick
