Money & Career
How to start investing and helping your money grow

Money & Career
How to start investing and helping your money grow
Investing isn’t just for other people—it’s an opportunity to make your money grow. And if you start this year, investing even a small amount until you have more financial flexibility, you can set yourself up to reap the financial rewards in the future. With a little time and professional advice, you can achieve the goals you have in mind.
A dollar is just a dollar, but if you invest it, it can become much more. Investing is not just about money, though—it provides an opportunity to reach the goals that matter to you. Whether you want to buy your first home, finance opportunities for your family, plan your retirement or cross something special off your bucket list, RBC can help you reach your goals.

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🇶 Investing? Isn't that only for people with a lot of cash to spare?
🇦 Not at all! You don’t need to be investing thousands—or even hundreds—of dollars each month to start growing your savings. You can start with small amounts, investing what you can, when you can, and then building up your investments as your finances allow.
Investing gives you the opportunity to grow your money, to help you get the most out of life, whatever goals you have in mind. And with sound investment advice, you can be well on your way to achieve those goals.
🇶 I’m not a numbers person. Where would I even start?
🇦 You've already started, just by asking the question. You work hard for your money—investing is a way to get your money working hard for you. Having a conversation with an advisor can help you explore your options and figure out what steps to take.
And the sooner you get started, the sooner you can take advantage of one of investing’s most powerful forces: compounding. Ultimately, this means that when you add the interest you earn on your initial investment to your total investment, you start earning interest on your earned interest. The longer you have to invest, the more money you can make. Even small amounts—$25, $50, or $100—invested regularly can multiply over time if left to grow and compound.
🇶 Even the word investing makes me anxious. Plus, isn't it a lot of work?
🇦 You wouldn’t be alone in feeling anxious—anxiety is one of the key barriers to investing. But investing doesn’t need to be a lot of work.
An important consideration: Personalized advice—and performance—matter when it comes to reaching your goals. An advisor can help you understand what investing and performance are all about, the various types of investments you could consider, and the range of investment services available.
From there, you can decide how you would like to start investing. For example, you can work with a financial planner, who can advise you and provide full support, such as helping you develop your financial plan. Or you can invest through a professionally managed online investment service, with advice when you need it. Or, as yet another option, you can do your own research and make your own trades through an online investment service. You can also use a combination of any of these approaches.
Again, you don’t have to invest a lot to get started—you can begin with a small amount, see how comfortable you are with investing and then build up your investments from there.
🇶 I have lots of dreams, but how can investing help make them come true?
🇦 A piece of advice worth repeating here: Invest what you can, when you can. Anything you can invest can help you in the long run. And no matter where you are with your financial goals right now, you can tap into financial advice that’s readily available. At RBC, for example, you can connect with advisors online, by phone or in person. Having a conversation with an advisor about where you are today and where you hope to be down the road can be immensely helpful.
Top 3 investment tips

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1. Make a plan and stick to it. A well-structured investment plan will help you stay on course to reach your goals. You’ll have the confidence to understand that day-to-day changes in the markets are likely to have little impact on your longer-term objectives, to help you avoid making rushed investment decisions.
2. Invest early. Getting started sooner so you’re able to invest for a longer period of time is widely considered more effective than waiting until you have a lump sum of savings to invest. That’s because investments compound —i.e. the snowball effect that occurs when the dollars you earn by investing generate even more earnings.
3. Invest regularly. This way, investing remains a priority throughout the year — not just around certain dates, such as the yearly RRSP contribution deadline. This kind of disciplined approach can help you build more wealth over time.
Plan for retirement

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We all hope to save up enough for a secure and enjoyable retirement. The question is, how do you save and invest enough to retire comfortably on your own terms?
The first step is to make sure you’ve identified what you want to do in retirement—how do you want to spend your time? It’s important to know what you hope to achieve with your investments when you retire, so you can determine what finances you’ll need for the retirement you have in mind.
The second step is to establish an investment strategy that matches your retirement lifestyle goals—one that includes when, how often, and how much you want to contribute to your investments throughout the year. That way, your savings goals remain a priority throughout the entire year, not just during certain periods, like the annual RRSP contribution deadline, which often leads tp a flurry of last-minute transfers.
Remember to be consistent with your investments throughout the year. An easy way to do this is to “set it and forget it”. For example, when you automate your investments through a pre-authorized contribution plan (PAC), you don’t have to keep thinking about them. Plus, frequent contributions from your PAC can really add up.
Why invest with RBC ?
There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to investing, and that’s why RBC offers a wide range of options for Canadians to consider—everything from full advice services to online management services to DIY services for self-directed online investing. Some people want to work with a financial planner for support and to help devise their financial plan. Others may prefer to make their own trades through an online investment service, or to tap into professionally managed online investment services, while others still may want to mix it up. And whatever approach works for you, remember: When it comes to reaching your goals, personalized advice, and performance, matter.
Invest with RBC and you could get $300
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This article is intended as general information only and is not to be relied upon as constituting legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. The information presented is believed to be factual and up-to-date but we do not guarantee its accuracy and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the authors as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by Royal Bank of Canada or any of its affiliates.
Financial planning services and investment advice are provided by Royal Mutual Funds Inc. (RMFI). RMFI, RBC Global Asset Management Inc., Royal Bank of Canada, Royal Trust Corporation of Canada and The Royal Trust Company are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. RMFI is licensed as a financial services firm in the province of Quebec.