4 ways to keep your summer romance alive all year long

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4 ways to keep your summer romance alive all year long
There's a chill in the air, the days are starting to get shorter and the sun is setting before the workday is done -- you may start to feel some nostalgia for the effortless summertime fun you and your spouse had all those weeks ago. The good news is that just because the clocks have fallen back doesn't mean you need to go into hibernation.
Here are our four suggestions for how you can keep that summer momentum going all year round.
1. Ignore the time change
Remember those warm weekday evenings when you could go from the office to a baseball game and then out for post-game drinks without thinking twice, all because the sun was still shining? Keep your relationship energized by refusing to let that motivation change with the seasons.
"In the summer, we're always more adventurous, always going out and trying new restaurants, but we used to get lazy and often just ordered in delivery to eat in front of the TV when the weather turned colder. So now, one of the ways we try to be more like our summer selves is to make plans to meet for dinner right after work, before we get home and settle in for the night. This boosts our social life and prevents us from getting lazy and ordering in. And we find that having a dinner date gives us something to look forward to on a frosty evening." -- Lisa and Colin, Toronto
2. Keep looking for the new
Those favourite local blogs and entertainment listings you and your partner already have bookmarked are great for locating summertime street fairs and outdoor music festivals. But the same resources will also have all the latest information on fun fall and winter activities you can do together, such as attending indoor food and wine shows or seeing an orchestra at a concert hall.
"The arts centre near us had a really good deal on subscription packages for a Canadian singer-songwriters' concert series. We got discounted tickets and could pick and choose the dates. It was a great excuse to get out of the house on a weeknight for a bit of culture, and we discovered some artists we wouldn't have seen anywhere else." -- Lesley and Graham, Kentville, N.S.
Page 1 of 2 -- Discover two more fun ways to keep your summer romance alive all year long
3. Eat well
It's easy to eat well and feel healthy in the summer. Not only are fresh fruits and veggies everywhere but eating light is a refreshing way to beat the heat. In the winter, however, we have a tendency to carb-load, chowing down on heavy meals to warm us from the inside. This can have an adverse effect on our relationships and the way we relate to our spouses, because feeling sluggish, tired and heavy is not exactly the most romantic state. Make mealtimes more fun in the winter by cooking together and trying new dishes.
"Last winter, we registered for a weekly organic vegetable delivery basket from a local farm. It sometimes took teamwork to figure out what recipes to make with the more foreign and exotic veggies, but it was a fun way to introduce healthier foods into our routine. We both felt like we had more energy as a result of the produce boost." -- Nicole and Doug, Ottawa
4. Find another way to get away
In the summer, we think nothing of an impromptu romantic weekend getaway or a day's drive to the beach. In the winter, driving holidays become less desirable because the weather can be so unpredictable. Instead of committing to being stuck indoors all winter, look into alternate affordable options.
Sign up for sale offers from VIA Rail or Greyhound, and let someone else worry about the snow and sleet while you snuggle under a blanket and snooze, or go head-to-head in travel Scrabble. You'll arrive at your weekend destination refreshed instead of frazzled, with zero dread about a treacherous drive back.
"We used to take at least a week of vacation in the summer and the winter but, now that we have kids, we sometimes feel like we need vacations from our vacations! One way we recharge our batteries any time of the year is to leave the kids with Grandma and book a couple of nights at a hotel not too far away. We check in and play Mr. and Mrs. Tourist. Just sleeping in and having someone else make the beds is a nice way to get away without going too far." -- Johanne and Jean-Pierre, Montreal
Taking a happy-go-lucky, energetic summertime approach to your relationship through the cooler months really can be as easy as staying social, keeping up with the local cultural goings-on, avoiding too much comfort food and making time to get away together.
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Here are our four suggestions for how you can keep that summer momentum going all year round.
1. Ignore the time change
Remember those warm weekday evenings when you could go from the office to a baseball game and then out for post-game drinks without thinking twice, all because the sun was still shining? Keep your relationship energized by refusing to let that motivation change with the seasons.
"In the summer, we're always more adventurous, always going out and trying new restaurants, but we used to get lazy and often just ordered in delivery to eat in front of the TV when the weather turned colder. So now, one of the ways we try to be more like our summer selves is to make plans to meet for dinner right after work, before we get home and settle in for the night. This boosts our social life and prevents us from getting lazy and ordering in. And we find that having a dinner date gives us something to look forward to on a frosty evening." -- Lisa and Colin, Toronto
2. Keep looking for the new
Those favourite local blogs and entertainment listings you and your partner already have bookmarked are great for locating summertime street fairs and outdoor music festivals. But the same resources will also have all the latest information on fun fall and winter activities you can do together, such as attending indoor food and wine shows or seeing an orchestra at a concert hall.
"The arts centre near us had a really good deal on subscription packages for a Canadian singer-songwriters' concert series. We got discounted tickets and could pick and choose the dates. It was a great excuse to get out of the house on a weeknight for a bit of culture, and we discovered some artists we wouldn't have seen anywhere else." -- Lesley and Graham, Kentville, N.S.
Page 1 of 2 -- Discover two more fun ways to keep your summer romance alive all year long
3. Eat well
It's easy to eat well and feel healthy in the summer. Not only are fresh fruits and veggies everywhere but eating light is a refreshing way to beat the heat. In the winter, however, we have a tendency to carb-load, chowing down on heavy meals to warm us from the inside. This can have an adverse effect on our relationships and the way we relate to our spouses, because feeling sluggish, tired and heavy is not exactly the most romantic state. Make mealtimes more fun in the winter by cooking together and trying new dishes.
"Last winter, we registered for a weekly organic vegetable delivery basket from a local farm. It sometimes took teamwork to figure out what recipes to make with the more foreign and exotic veggies, but it was a fun way to introduce healthier foods into our routine. We both felt like we had more energy as a result of the produce boost." -- Nicole and Doug, Ottawa
4. Find another way to get away
In the summer, we think nothing of an impromptu romantic weekend getaway or a day's drive to the beach. In the winter, driving holidays become less desirable because the weather can be so unpredictable. Instead of committing to being stuck indoors all winter, look into alternate affordable options.
Sign up for sale offers from VIA Rail or Greyhound, and let someone else worry about the snow and sleet while you snuggle under a blanket and snooze, or go head-to-head in travel Scrabble. You'll arrive at your weekend destination refreshed instead of frazzled, with zero dread about a treacherous drive back.
"We used to take at least a week of vacation in the summer and the winter but, now that we have kids, we sometimes feel like we need vacations from our vacations! One way we recharge our batteries any time of the year is to leave the kids with Grandma and book a couple of nights at a hotel not too far away. We check in and play Mr. and Mrs. Tourist. Just sleeping in and having someone else make the beds is a nice way to get away without going too far." -- Johanne and Jean-Pierre, Montreal
Taking a happy-go-lucky, energetic summertime approach to your relationship through the cooler months really can be as easy as staying social, keeping up with the local cultural goings-on, avoiding too much comfort food and making time to get away together.
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