7 unique date ideas for Valentine's Day

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7 unique date ideas for Valentine's Day
From a trivia night with other couples to a yoga class that'll boost your physical relationship with your S.O., we've rounded up some cliché-free ways to spend February 14.
Like your preference for milk chocolate or dark chocolate, red roses or pink roses, and loud declarations of love or low-key gestures, there's really no “one size fits all” date night for every couple. And as we battle subzero temps and are deep in post-holiday work mode, it makes sense that we're at a loss for what to do on Valentine’s Day.
Unfortunately, so many classic date ideas have become a cliché and as unappealing as a cheap box of fruit-filled chocolates. So, for those looking for a more original and exciting way to spend V-day with your significant other, here are a few date ideas.
1. Go to trivia night at a local bar.
For the light-hearted couple, enjoy some drinks and games at a bar with a group of friends or other couples. A trivia night at a local pub is not only good for a laugh but also a bonding sesh with your partner and best mates.
2. Hit up to a brewery or wine tasting event.
For the wine connoisseurs and beer lovers, a tasting event is for you. Whether it’s to have fun, try new flavours or learn about food and wine/beer pairings, this date will offer you and your No. 1 a sense of closeness through taste testing and great conversation.
3. Take a Tantra Yoga class.
Venture out of your comfort zone (read: your standard PG yoga class) and opt for one that can have a beneficial impact on your physical relationship with your S.O. Tantra is a practice of yoga that is meant to arouse sexuality through certain gestures, poses, and livening other senses in relation to one’s surroundings, and thereby has the ability to enhance you and your partner's sex life.
4. Relive an old date.
They say, “moments pass, but memories last forever,” and this is what makes it so special to recreate some of your fondest times. Whether it's the first date, first kiss, or the time the big question was popped, recreating the atmosphere, the surrounding and thereby the feeling can be a fun way to reminisce and keep that spark going.
5. Write a letter.
For the ones who are over the arguable cheesiness of the holiday, a simple handwritten note is always a joy to receive. Write a page of memories or just a few simple words; slip it into their work bag or on the front of their car.
6. Create at-home spa.
Visit a bath shop and stock up on a few relaxation-boosting essentials — think bath bombs, soaps, scrubs or massage bars — and have a quiet, soothing time in with your favourite person.
7. Have a The Bachelor-inspired date.
You know the show, and that means you're familiar with the over-the-top (and often, totally envious) dates. Surprise your sweetheart with a private dinner for two, a hot tub soak, a live music event, or if you're feeling more extravagant, a helicopter ride, to create a romantic, cinematic date you'll always remember — without the fear of not receiving a rose.