Campbell River, British Columbia: Fly-fishing heaven
Trout pond

Image by: Canadian Living By: Jennifer Reynolds Source: Martin Tessler
The picturesque trout pond at The Lodge is where we honed our fly-fishing skills. It took a good two hours of practice before I could get the line out far enough into the pond.
Fly-fishing tricks

Image by: Canadian Living By: Jennifer Reynolds Source: Martin Tessler
The “fly” part of fly-fishing is a lure designed to catch the attention of a particular kind of fish. One of the secrets I learned: Make the fly dance a little if nothing’s biting—the fish will be tricked into thinking it’s a real bug.
Rocking hip waders

Image by: Canadian Living By: Jennifer Reynolds Source: Martin Tessler
Once I slipped into the hip waders and walked into the cool river, it was hours before I came out. The possibility of hooking even a small fish kept me obsessed. “Just one more cast,” I kept telling the crew.