123 recipes for "green living tips"
Roasted Chicken Roulade with Herbed Goat Cheese and Asparagus

Roasted Chicken Roulade with Herbed Goat Cheese and Asparagus

May 13, 2009

The inspiration for this dish was a simple seasonal meal with great flavour. I wanted to make a dish that was easy to prepare with at least some components that could be made ahead of time. A Saturday morning trip to the local farmer's market was what inspired the ingredients in this recipe; locally grown asparagus, fresh Ontario goat's cheese, organically raised local chicken breasts and I was on my way! They key to this recipe is simple and flavourful ingredients. Using ingredients that are in season makes a big difference since this is the time when they are at their flavour peak. I decided to serve the chicken with a fresh spring salad using some of the same ingredients from the chicken. It would also be nice with a crusty baguette and a warm bowl of soup. The simplicity of the flavours in this dish make it easy to pair with other foods. The result was a delicious springtime meal that was perfect for a casual night with friends. Buying local and seasonal ingredients allowed me to stay way under my $100 budget and the ease of preparing the meal allowed me to spend time with my guests - which is what entertaining is all about!

Vegetarian Harvest Lasagna

Vegetarian Harvest Lasagna


This lasagna is piled high with sweet potatoes and slow-roasted tomatoes, and layered with creamy béchamel sauce—but the secret's in the fried sage leaves.

Phyllo Halibut Bundles and Warm Wild Rice Salad

Phyllo Halibut Bundles and Warm Wild Rice Salad

May 12, 2009

For the past 25 years I have been receiving Canadian Living magazine, have purchased the cookbooks and special publications. I have several file folders that are stuffed to overflowing with years' worth of my favorite recipes. A few years ago I finally gave away most of my mother's cookbook collection because I never used them. Those well used folders of CL recipes are the foundation of my cooking. I often think of CL magazine as a proud parent - one of my proud parents. Canadian Living has been with me from my infancy as a cook and has stood by me as my kitchen skills were honed and my cooking instincts matured. I would not be the cook I am today without CL. So, thank you, thank you, thank you for the years of wonderful meals and lessons. My guests think I am a cooking genius but it is the support system behind the cook that is the real genius.

I created this recipe because I love Greek inspired flavours and I love make-ahead meals when entertaining. You can enjoy a day out with family and friends and still have dinner ready for your guests half an hour after you get home. This meal can be made early in the day of the dinner or the day before guests arrive. The recipe looks daunting but it is not difficult to put together. The key is to chop and prep all of the vegetables and fresh herbs needed for all components prior to cooking. Use ready to go pre-washed, packaged spinach. If made ahead the flavours have a chance to meld together. This recipe features BC halibut, prairie grown wild rice and walnuts that grow in many regions of Canada. Also, Canadian orchard fresh nectarines when in season. During spring and summer use locally grown farm fresh herbs and vegetables (or from your garden) as well as locally produced free range or organic eggs.

Approx. cost: $90.00
