Fashion & Beauty

Behind the scenes: October fashion shoot

Canadian Living
Fashion & Beauty

Behind the scenes: October fashion shoot

Our October fashion shoot ("Best in Shows") is the one I've been waiting to produce since I got into publishing. After high school I did a stint working at a fancy dog-grooming salon in Ottawa. It was there that I learned to appreciate the beauty of canines and developed a love for all sorts of dog breeds. So when I received the go-ahead to generate this colour-based accessory/dog story I immediately jumped into action! My first plan of business was casting: the model could wait (sorry, Kelly!), but I needed my dogs. Not just any dogs, though. They needed a serious helping of star quality. [caption id="attachment_10237" align="aligncenter" width="572"] Left: I'm waiting in the wings like a good stage mom while Brooks makes love to the camera – blue steel. Middle: I love this shot. It was one of our top picks, but didn’t quite make the cut. Right: This is the shot that ran in the October issue of Canadian Living
All photography: Carlyle Routh.[/caption]

Being the ruthless stage mom that I am (my dog has his own YouTube channel – I'm grooming him to be the next sneezing panda), I of course casted my furry child, a.k.a. Brooks the Norwich Terrier. It only made sense to elect his real-life girlfriend, Charlie the Norfolk Terrier, to be his leading lady on set. Their chemistry is irrefutable.

[caption id="attachment_10239" align="aligncenter" width="572"] Left: Our first tactic was to use the ball to get Ripley to pose. No dice. Middle: Next, Kelly tried to get him in the mood with some treats. Alas, she almost lost one of her well-manicured (thanks Leeanne Colley!) faux fingernails. Right: Our crazy talented photographer snapped this shot when Ripley decided on a whim to sit pretty for the camera. It only happened this one time!
All photography: Carlyle Routh.[/caption] Next was our underdog, Ripley the Vizsla. I knew I wanted a Hungarian pointer for this shot – they have the perfect rust colouring to pair with all of the golden and ginger tones in this outfit – but all the ones I knew were either puppies or insanely hyperactive. My intern at the time, Sarah Feldman, reached out to her contacts and was able to score us this red-headed gentleman. He was a dream to work with – absolutely no ego. [caption id="attachment_10241" align="aligncenter" width="571"] Every shot was perfection with this duo.
All photography: Carlyle Routh.[/caption]

I now get why Target uses Bullseye the Bull Terrier as its mascot. This breed of dog is crazy photogenic, there's not a single bad angle! Bullseye better have an ironclad contract, though, because our fuzzy model Angus is definitely giving him a run for his money. Angus belongs to the very talented Gregory Graveline, a hair and makeup artist we use frequently in editorials. In fact, he did Kelly's makeup for this very shoot!

[caption id="attachment_10236" align="aligncenter" width="560"] This was not animal cruelty, more like model cruelty. Sorry Kelly! These are some pretty magnificent outtakes from the shoot.
All photography: Carlyle Routh.[/caption] Last, but most certainly not least, are these two stunning Dobermans who I frequently stalk on all forms of social media. I’m such a fan girl when it comes to Dobies. I know their lovely mum, Jo Lusted, from when she did some freelance work for the Canadian Living Test Kitchen. She's a well-known chef, a regular guest on CBC's "Steven and Chris"  and is a co-host on the Cottage Life network's "Compete to Eat." Her babies Reyna (black) and Indi (chocolate) were at the very top of my canine wish list for this shoot. A few wee problems cropped up with this final shot. We were only able to use Reyna in the end because I brilliantly ( sarcasm) decided to pair these two power breeds with Kelly while she was wearing heels. Oops, sorry Kelly! The other wee problem was literally a wee problem: Indi, who’s still a puppy, had a pee on the seamless. [caption id="attachment_10247" align="aligncenter" width="384"] Here's a shot of me walking my black and tan duo, Parker the Yorkie and Brooks the Norwich Terrier, on our way home from Riverdale Farms last weekend.[/caption] Whoever said you should never work with children and animals clearly lied – at least about the latter half!


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Fashion & Beauty

Behind the scenes: October fashion shoot
