Fashion & Beauty
Cool collab: Make Up For Ever x 50 Shades of Grey

Fashion & Beauty
Cool collab: Make Up For Ever x 50 Shades of Grey
Experimentation and transformation are two words that Make Up For Ever uses to describe its brand. Those very concepts drew author E.L. James to choose MUFE as the official makeup collaborator for the new film
Fifty Shades of Grey. To complement the protagonist, Ana, played by Melanie Griffith's daughter Dakota Johnson, MUFE created four makeup sets that represent her transition from innocent schoolgirl to experienced woman.
Make Up For Ever Desire Me Cheeky Blush Trio, $56,
Our favourite is the three-colour blush set, which is enclosed in a velvet bag with a key charm. Blend your favourite hue across the apples of your cheeks and on your nose, chin and hairline to give your face an excited flush.
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