Fashion & Beauty
Get a free haircut when you donate your hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths

Fashion & Beauty
Get a free haircut when you donate your hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths
October 19, 2013 (this Saturday!) is National Donate Your Hair Day and Pantene Beautiful Lengths is offering a special service. Men and women with eight inches of hair to spare can receive a free haircut in exchange for the donation of their ponytail at one of
eight participating salons across Canada. [caption id="attachment_10339" align="aligncenter" width="600"]
Photo by PV KS on Flickr[/caption] Trust us, it's pretty good karma. The ponytails will be used to make real-hair wigs for women who have lost their locks due to chemotherapy or other cancer treatments – and they'll be available at no cost. Over the past few years, Beautiful Lengths has collected over 52,000 ponytails, which are then made into wigs (it takes 8-15 ponies to make one head of hair!) that are distributed to Canadians via the Canadian Cancer Society. Think you're ready to make the big chop? There are a few restrictions. Hair must be a minimum of eight inches long, contain no dyes, bleaches or chemicals and be no more than five per cent grey. Be sure to tweet with the hashtag #ponyitup if you participate! We'd love to see your pics.
