5 minutes with legendary makeup artist Charlotte Tilbury

5 minutes with legendary makeup artist Charlotte Tilbury
If you've ever wondered how Penélope Cruz gets her bombshell eyes or Kate Moss pulls off an edgy look, you'll want to know their makeup artist, Charlotte Tilbury. The British beauty master launched her makeup and skin-care brand in Canada this summer—all while painting faces for red-carpet events, filming videos for her
YouTube channel and caring for her sons, Flynn, 5, and Valentine, 1. Here's a glimpse inside Tilbury's makeup bag of tricks.
Why do celebrities always look so good?
Celebrities are no different than us. They all have bad days where they've got pimples and they're exhausted. The makeup artist applies creams and makeup, and the celebrity is transformed into the most beautiful version of herself: She's dewy, her eyes sparkle, her lips look luscious and her cheekbones glow. I want everyone to be able to have that.
What makes your Magic Cream so special?
A lot of the time, people think their skin is aging, but it's all dehydration lines. We need hyaluronic acid—which encourages water retention—and oil put back in. I started mixing Magic Cream in my kitchen, and it gives instant results. Makeup artists were always trying to get some from me. When I used it in my YouTube videos, people could see the difference. It sold out in seven minutes when it launched in America.
You're famous for creating the perfect cat eye. What's your secret?
Stare straight into the mirror. When you get three-quarters of the way from the inner corner to the outer eye, stop and draw a dot angled up onto your eye socket, where you want the flick to end. Do the same on the other eye. Wing your eyeliner towards the dots. The look will elongate your eyes and give them a lift.
Charlotte's Magic Cream, $125, Luxury Palette in The Dolce Vita, $64, and The Feline Flick in Panther, $35,
Read more:
5 minutes with Canadian beauty brand Nudestix
How to apply eyeliner for your eye shape
This article originally appeared in the August 2015 issue of Canadian Living.
Subscribe to Canadian Living today and never miss an issue.

Celebrities are no different than us. They all have bad days where they've got pimples and they're exhausted. The makeup artist applies creams and makeup, and the celebrity is transformed into the most beautiful version of herself: She's dewy, her eyes sparkle, her lips look luscious and her cheekbones glow. I want everyone to be able to have that.
What makes your Magic Cream so special?
A lot of the time, people think their skin is aging, but it's all dehydration lines. We need hyaluronic acid—which encourages water retention—and oil put back in. I started mixing Magic Cream in my kitchen, and it gives instant results. Makeup artists were always trying to get some from me. When I used it in my YouTube videos, people could see the difference. It sold out in seven minutes when it launched in America.
You're famous for creating the perfect cat eye. What's your secret?
Stare straight into the mirror. When you get three-quarters of the way from the inner corner to the outer eye, stop and draw a dot angled up onto your eye socket, where you want the flick to end. Do the same on the other eye. Wing your eyeliner towards the dots. The look will elongate your eyes and give them a lift.

Read more:
5 minutes with Canadian beauty brand Nudestix
How to apply eyeliner for your eye shape
This article originally appeared in the August 2015 issue of Canadian Living.
Subscribe to Canadian Living today and never miss an issue.