
How to wear leopard print

How to wear leopard print



How to wear leopard print

Consider this a neutral. Yes, leopard print can be worn by everyone and anywhere. Don't believe us? Keep reading.

While it might seem that right now leopard print is having a moment, the truth is this cold animal pattern has never really gone away. It's just stealing the spotlight a bit. And for good reason. It's a print that goes with pretty much everything from distressed denim to evening dresses and can look cool or edgy or girly depending on how it's worn. Best of all, it has the ability to make any outfit photo-worthy. Which is good because we have some serious photo inspiration from some great Instagram shots below.

Dark denim and a white shirt and instantly elevated thanks to a structured leopard print jacket. 

A drapy cardigan in the print pulls together a simple work outfit. 

This season's must-have leopard print item is definitely the skirt. Bonus points if it's a little slinky and hits below the knee.

Not sure the print is for you? Test the waters with an accessory like a scarf or bag.

Looking for a knockout evening look? A leopard print dress and pumps is the perfect combo.

Red and leopard print is a power combo if we ever saw one.

Winter style gets a serious upgrace thanks to a fuzzy leopard print coat. On trend white boots and an otherwise all-black ensemble complete this trendy look. 

We love a good monochromatic look, so pair your leopard print with shades of oatmeal, frown and black for a tonal take on animal print.

Leopard print does not need to be fussy. Wear it in an oversized and comfy sweater with skinny jeans and you're good to go.

Not sure how to style leopard print? Take a cue from our fashion and beauty editor, Alexandra Donaldson, and stick to the staples—denim and stripes.

A printed shirtdress and red heels will take you from day-to-night easily.

Jeans and a turtleneck get a fun update thanks to red boots and a leopard jacket.

A feminine blouse paired with distressed denim is the perfect meeting of edgy and sweet.

A wrap dress is one of the most flattering silhouettes—so why not pick one up in leopard print? 

The ultimate leopard print pairing? Just add leather.



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How to wear leopard print
