DIY & Crafts

Garden carrier bag

Garden carrier bag


DIY & Crafts

Garden carrier bag

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This easy-to-make carrier will help you transport leaves and twigs quickly, and the pocket comes in handy for small tools. Bonus: Use the carrier to gather fruits and veggies from your garden and bring firewood indoors, too.

Click here to view a larger image of the finished garden tote bag

You need:
Medium-weight fabric
Two 76 x 76 cm (30 x 30 in) pieces, for front and back
One 35.5 x 24 cm (14 x 9-1/2 in) piece, for pocket
Four 61 x 12.5 cm (24 x 5 in) pieces, for handles
Scrap of 3/4-inch wide Velcro
Two 50 cm (20-in) lengths cord
8 grommets and grommet-setting tool
Sewing machine, hand-sewing needle and thread
Straight pins
Ruler/measuring tape

To make:
1. Handles: Working with long edges of rectangle only, fold under and press raw edges 1 cm (1/2 in) to wrong side; press. Fold rectangle in half lengthwise, matching folded edges; press and pin. Topstitch. Repeat to make 4 handles.

2. Pocket: Fold under and press raw edges 1 cm to wrong side; fold under and press folded edges 2.5 cm (1 in) to wrong side. Pin folded edges and topstitch. From each side of Velcro, cut 1 strip, approx 9 cm (3-1/2 in) long. Wrong sides facing, centre one side Velcro along top of pocket; edgestitch Velcro. Centre pocket on right side of carrier front, 9 cm below top edge; pin. Matching location of first strip Velcro, pin remaining strip Velcro to carrier front; edgestitch. Stitch pocket in place.

3. Place carrier front right side up on work surface. Aligning raw edges and with handles resting on carrier front, pin handles in place at 45° angle, 10 cm (4 in) from corners (see photo). Baste handles in place if desired.

4. Right sides together and aligning raw edges, pin carrier back to front. Starting in the middle of one side, using 1 cm seam allowance and leaving 15 cm (6 in) gap for turning, stitch together, backstitching at beginning and end and over handles for added strength. Clip threads and corners and turn right side out. Press edges of opening and pin closed; topstitch around entire carrier.

5. Attach grommets, evenly spaced, along 2 opposite sides of carrier, 2.5 cm from edge (see photo). Thread cord through holes; knot ends.

Designer's tip
Instead of using fabric for the handles, use four 61 cm (24 in) lengths of 5 cm (2 in) wide nylon strapping.

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DIY & Crafts

Garden carrier bag
