Nutrition Month: 31 days of healthy recipes and best tips

Kung Pao Chicken
Photography by Jeff Coulson/TC Media
Image by: Kung Pao Chicken <br /> Photography by Jeff Coulson/TC Media
Nutrition Month: 31 days of healthy recipes and best tips
Chicken and Vegetable Soba Noodle Stir-Fry
It takes up to 30 minutes to feel full, so eat slowly.
Lemongrass Pork Tenderloin With Stir-Fried Quinoa
Eat because you’re hungry, not because you’re bored or stressed out.
Seared Salmon With Cauliflower Colcannon
Kill that sugary craving by adding some delicious frozen berries to a glass of water.
Moroccan Vegetable Couscous
Stick to the outer aisles of the grocery store, which is where you will find the healthiest foods, such as fruits, veggies, dairy and lean meats.
Turkey and Rapini Fusilli
Use smaller plates at meal time so if you fill your plate you're not eating as much.
Steak and Brown Rice Burrito Bowl
Leave serving plates in the kitchen rather than placing them on the dinner table. This will keep you from going back for seconds.
Mediterranean Vegetable Panini With Feta Pesto
Invest in a blender so you can get your daily dose of healthy fats and fruit by making smoothies with berries, almond milk and ground flaxseeds.
Sweet and Spicy Cashew Chicken
The occasional sugary treat is perfectly acceptable as long as you eat healthy most of the time.
Vegetarian Singapore Noodles
A medium-size pear is a great source of fibre and potassium - and has only about 100 calories.
Sesame Crusted Chicken
Eating in front of the TV can often lead to mindless eating and overeating, resulting in weight gain. Improve your health by eating at the table.
Thai Curry Shrimp Pizza
Eat before you go grocery shopping. If you shop on an empty stomach, your hunger could encourage you to make unplanned food purchases.
Couscous and Cheese-Stuffed Zucchini
The next time you're at a coffee shop avoid whipped cream coffee drinks, which are loaded with calories and sugar. Try a nonfat latte instead.
Broiled Devilled Halibut
Before you head out for a meal, visit the restaurant's website. You can usually find a menu and nutritional info online, giving you lots of time to find healthy choices on the menu.
Chicken Pilaf With Spinach and Walnuts
Eat a piece of fruit or some high-protein Greek yogurt before you head out to a cocktail party. They'll help you resist the urge to overeat.
Crispy Cracker Tilapia With Lime Chili Mayo
Practise portion control by removing the food you're eating from its bag or container and placing it in a bowl.
Quick Lentil Curry
Oatmeal is a healthy breakfast option that keeps you feeling full for longer than cereal or toast.
White Bean and Smoke Salmon Salad
Studies show that skipping breakfast can lead to weight gain. Aim to eat a healthy breakfast every day. Your energy levels will soar and you'll find it easier to manage your weight.
Broiled Tofu With No-Cook Peanut Sauce
Are you a sugar addict? Get moving! Sugar cravings last for only a brief period of time and experts agree that getting up and moving around can help keep them under control.
Pork and Shiitake Lettuce Wraps
To banish something from your diet, ban it from your house. You can't eat what isn't there.
Trout Nicoise Salad
Spend some time cutting up fruits and veggies, and keep them accessible. When you have your next snack attack you'll have no excuses to reach for something unhealthy.
Mediterranean Orzo Salad
Always have fresh clean water within reach. Aim to drink six to eight glasses of water each day.
Fisher’s Loft Salmon with Chickpea Mash
Keep a food journal of everything you eat. It will keep you aware of what you're eating – plus, research shows that those who food journal lose more weight than those who don't.
Jalapeno Bean Cakes with Lime Mayo
One of the keys to weight loss is eating lightly in the evenings. Instead of eating a large plate of pasta for dinner, stick to lean proteins, lots of veggies and lighter meals.
Kung Pao Chicken
Say no to processed foods and yes to veggies and high-fibre choices. Proteins, vegetables and high-fibre foods will stick with you for longer, leaving you feeling more satisfied.
Roasted Birch-Glazed Salmon
Not sure if you're feeling hungry? Drink an eight ounce glass of water, wait 10 minutes and then decide. Your body can mistake thirst for hunger.
Arugula and Bulgur-Stuffed Tomatoes
At a convenience store or gas station, steer clear of products with refined sugar and sodium and look for unsalted nuts, cheese sticks or single-serve containers of nonfat yogurt.
Fruity Tuna Salad Pitas
Avoid coffee shop muffins – some have upward of 400 calories!
Chickpea Salad with Lemon Yogurt Dressing
Knowledge is power when it comes to losing weight. The more you understand about the impact foods have on your hormonal levels, the greater chance you have of keeping weight off.
Poached Eggs on Spinach-Feta Toasts
Overloading on refined sugars and flours before bed can cause your body to produce too much insulin, triggering fat storage.
Chicken Cutlets with Cilantro Peanut Sauce
Eat healthfully 80 per cent of the time and allow 20 per cent for indulging on special occasions.
Mango Chicken Salad With Thai-Style Vinaigrette
When selecting a cereal remember the "five in five" rule. Select a cereal that has less than five grams of sugar per serving and more than five grams of fibre.