30 questions to ask your partner that will spice up your sex life

Photography, Toa Heftiba,
30 questions to ask your partner that will spice up your sex life
Whether you're in a long-distance relationship or looking for ways to keep the flame alive, maintaining intimacy between you and your partner is important—but it isn’t always easy. It takes a lot of necessary effort and creativity.
These simple, frisky questions are a fun and relaxed way to spark a conversation with your partner. You can even use them if you’re long-distance: send these questions by text, sporadically, throughout the day. If you’re able to see each other in person, get together in the evening and use these questions as foreplay.
Not only will these questions spark conversation, but you’ll get to know your partner better—the easiest path to true intimacy.
The idea is to ask open-ended questions that require your partner to tell you a story.
- Which part of my body did you notice first?
- What would be the first piece of clothing you'd want to take off if we were together?
- Where do you prefer to be caressed?
- Where would you most like to make love?
- What is your favourite sexual position? Why?
- Describe the public figure you fantasize about.
- How was the last time you touched yourself?
- What do you like most about foreplay?
- What colour underwear do you prefer?
- What's the most sensitive part of your body?
- What do I do that gives you goosebumps?
- Which of your senses do you like best?
- What do you feel when we kiss?
- What's the craziest thing you've done for love?
- What song turns you on the most?
- What do you feel during an orgasm?
- Tell me about your favourite time with me.
- What do my lips taste like when you kiss them?
- Do you prefer to give or to receive? Why?
- When is your favourite time to make love during the day? Why?
- Which part of my body do you prefer to massage? Why?
- What do you like best about our sex life?
- How would you describe an orgasm with me?
- What's your definition of a perfect sex session?
- Tell me what part of my body you'd like me to touch.
- What haven't you done before that you'd like to try with me?
- Can you describe the way my skin smells?
- Which of my friends would you like to make love to?
- If you could, where would you kiss me?
- Do you like shower sex?
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